1 # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
2 # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
5 defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler do
10 alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
11 alias Pleroma.Web.Streamer
13 @behaviour :cowboy_websocket
16 @tick :timer.seconds(30)
17 # Cowboy timeout period.
18 @timeout :timer.seconds(60)
19 # Hibernate every X messages
22 def init(%{qs: qs} = req, state) do
23 with params <- Enum.into(:cow_qs.parse_qs(qs), %{}),
24 sec_websocket <- :cowboy_req.header("sec-websocket-protocol", req, nil),
25 access_token <- Map.get(params, "access_token"),
26 {:ok, user, oauth_token} <- authenticate_request(access_token, sec_websocket),
27 {:ok, topic} <- Streamer.get_topic(params["stream"], user, oauth_token, params) do
30 :cowboy_req.set_resp_header("sec-websocket-protocol", sec_websocket, req)
35 {:cowboy_websocket, req,
36 %{user: user, topic: topic, oauth_token: oauth_token, count: 0, timer: nil},
37 %{idle_timeout: @timeout}}
39 {:error, :bad_topic} ->
40 Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__} bad topic #{inspect(req)}")
41 req = :cowboy_req.reply(404, req)
44 {:error, :unauthorized} ->
45 Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__} authentication error: #{inspect(req)}")
46 req = :cowboy_req.reply(401, req)
51 def websocket_init(state) do
53 "#{__MODULE__} accepted websocket connection for user #{(state.user || %{id: "anonymous"}).id}, topic #{state.topic}"
56 Streamer.add_socket(state.topic, state.oauth_token)
57 {:ok, %{state | timer: timer()}}
60 # Client's Pong frame.
61 def websocket_handle(:pong, state) do
62 if state.timer, do: Process.cancel_timer(state.timer)
63 {:ok, %{state | timer: timer()}}
66 # We only receive pings for now
67 def websocket_handle(:ping, state), do: {:ok, state}
69 def websocket_handle(frame, state) do
70 Logger.error("#{__MODULE__} received frame: #{inspect(frame)}")
74 def websocket_info({:render_with_user, view, template, item}, state) do
75 user = %User{} = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(state.user.ap_id)
77 unless Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, item) do
78 websocket_info({:text, view.render(template, item, user)}, %{state | user: user})
84 def websocket_info({:text, message}, state) do
85 # If the websocket processed X messages, force an hibernate/GC.
86 # We don't hibernate at every message to balance CPU usage/latency with RAM usage.
87 if state.count > @hibernate_every do
88 {:reply, {:text, message}, %{state | count: 0}, :hibernate}
90 {:reply, {:text, message}, %{state | count: state.count + 1}}
94 # Ping tick. We don't re-queue a timer there, it is instead queued when :pong is received.
95 # As we hibernate there, reset the count to 0.
96 # If the client misses :pong, Cowboy will automatically timeout the connection after
98 def websocket_info(:tick, state) do
99 {:reply, :ping, %{state | timer: nil, count: 0}, :hibernate}
102 def websocket_info(:close, state) do
106 # State can be `[]` only in case we terminate before switching to websocket,
107 # we already log errors for these cases in `init/1`, so just do nothing here
108 def terminate(_reason, _req, []), do: :ok
110 def terminate(reason, _req, state) do
112 "#{__MODULE__} terminating websocket connection for user #{(state.user || %{id: "anonymous"}).id}, topic #{state.topic || "?"}: #{inspect(reason)}"
115 Streamer.remove_socket(state.topic)
119 # Public streams without authentication.
120 defp authenticate_request(nil, nil) do
124 # Authenticated streams.
125 defp authenticate_request(access_token, sec_websocket) do
126 token = access_token || sec_websocket
128 with true <- is_bitstring(token),
129 oauth_token = %Token{user_id: user_id} <- Repo.get_by(Token, token: token),
130 user = %User{} <- User.get_cached_by_id(user_id) do
131 {:ok, user, oauth_token}
133 _ -> {:error, :unauthorized}
138 Process.send_after(self(), :tick, @tick)