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406                             </div>
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408                             <img
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413                             <h3 class="title-sm nav-card-title"><span class="title-underline">Plimoth Plantation</span>
414                             </h3>
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417                             </div>
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626                             <img
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628                               alt="A modern spread of Reveillon delights." data-width="1170" data-height="1035"
629                               class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
630                               src="" />
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632                             <h3 class="title-sm nav-card-title"><span class="title-underline">Rรฉveillon Dinner</span>
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658                             <img
659                               data-src=""
660                               alt="Two of the &quot;Fantastic Grandmothers&quot; document a greater sea snake, photo-identifying its uniquely patterned tail for their growing database."
661                               data-width="1828" data-height="1223" class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
662                               src="" />
663                             <h3 class="title-sm nav-card-title"><span class="title-underline">The Snorkeling Grannies of
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665                             <div class="detail-sm nav-card-details js-time-ago"
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668                             <img
669                               data-src=""
670                               alt="According to Inquisition records, men were often fearful that women would slip magic potions into their morning hot chocolate. "
671                               data-width="1280" data-height="853" class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
672                               src="" />
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674                                 Witches of Colonial Latin America</span></h3>
675                             <div class="detail-sm nav-card-details js-time-ago"
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678                             <img
679                               data-src=""
680                               alt="German authorities with a 500-pound bomb discovered during construction work. Such discoveries are regular occurrences in cities that were bombed during World War II. "
681                               data-width="1280" data-height="888" class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
682                               src="" />
683                             <h3 class="title-sm nav-card-title"><span class="title-underline">What Happens When They
684                                 Find a World War II Bomb Down the Street</span></h3>
685                             <div class="detail-sm nav-card-details js-time-ago"
686                               data-timestamp="2020-01-27 20:07:00 UTC"></div>
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688                             <img
689                               data-src=""
690                               alt="A cyclist rides past the tank graveyard in 2016." data-width="1600"
691                               data-height="1060" class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
692                               src="" />
693                             <h3 class="title-sm nav-card-title"><span class="title-underline">This Tank Graveyard Is a
694                                 Monument to Eritrea&#39;s Struggle for Liberation</span></h3>
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698                             href="/articles/french-missionary-english-duke-bring-back-chinese-deer">
699                             <img
700                               data-src=""
701                               alt="Today nearly 7,000 Pรจre David&#39;s deer roam the wetlands of China. "
702                               data-width="800" data-height="533" class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
703                               src="" />
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705                                 the English Duke Who Saved a Chinese Deer From Extinction</span></h3>
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707                               data-timestamp="2020-01-24 23:20:00 UTC"></div>
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735                                 alt="" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" class="lazy img-responsive" nopin="nopin"
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737                             </div>
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739                                 Brimming With Books</span></h3>
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885               She&#8217;s the only woman veteran honored with a monument at West Point. But where was she buried?
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963               In 1926, the Daughters of the American Revolution joined forces with the U.S. Military Academy to exhume
964               the supposed burial site of Margaret Corbin. <span class='caption-credit'>Daughters of the American
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998                         <span>Margaret Corbin&#39;s Grave</span>
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1000                       <div class="Card__content js-subtitle-content">
1001                         West Pointโ€™s only monument to a woman veteran stands above an empty grave.
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1030               <p class="item-body-text-graf"><span class="section-start-text">In 2016, five days after
1031                 </span>Thanksgiving, Margaret Corbin&#8217;s grave was dug up for the second time since her death in
1032                 1800. It began by accident. Contractors were working on a retaining wall near the West Point Cemetery,
1033                 at the U.S. Military Academy, when a hydraulic excavator got too close and chewed through the grave.</p>
1034               <p class="item-body-text-graf">As soon as they noticed bones spilling from the soil, they alerted the
1035                 military police. The plot was quickly cordoned off, her monument was wrapped in tarp, and rumors started
1036                 to spread about Corbin&#8217;s resting place&#8212;that is, if it even <em>was</em> her resting place.
1037                 When forensic archaeologists arrived at the scene, they were perplexed: The bones seemed oddly large.
1038               </p>
1039               <p class="item-body-text-graf">The monument to Margaret Corbin is West Point&#8217;s only monument to a
1040                 woman veteran, and it greets visitors near the main gate, just feet from a neoclassical chapel. It faces
1041                 Washington Road, where the Academy&#8217;s top brass live, and depicts Corbin in a long dress, operating
1042                 a cannon as her long hair and cape fly in the wind. She wears a powder horn and holds a rammer to load
1043                 cannonballs; the rest of the rather cramped cemetery sprawls out behind her. The monument portrays the
1044                 moments before Corbin became a prisoner of war.</p>
1045               <figure class=" contains-caption "><img class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1046                   src=""
1047                   alt="On the West Point monument, Corbin wears a long dress and a powder horn, and she operates a cannon while her long hair flies in the wind."
1048                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71546"
1049                   data-src="">
1050                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">On the West Point monument, Corbin wears a long
1051                   dress and a powder horn, and she operates a cannon while her long hair flies in the wind. <span
1052                     class="caption-credit">Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo</span></figcaption>
1053               </figure>
1054               <p class="item-body-text-graf">The story goes that Corbin joined her husband, John, to fight in the
1055                 American Revolution. At the time, many women followed their husbands to war, where they were commonly
1056                 known as &#8220;camp followers.&#8221; Typically, they foraged for food, cooked, and did laundry. Before
1057                 Martha Washington was the United States&#8217; first first lady, she was also a camp follower. In fact,
1058                 she and Margaret were with the same company&#8212;though the two experienced different lives, since
1059                 George was a general, and John manned a cannon.</p>
1060               <p class="item-body-text-graf">At the Battle of Fort Washington, on November 16, 1776, in what is now
1061                 Washington Heights, the British and Hessians advanced far enough to make the Continental Army&#8217;s
1062                 position untenable. George Washington retreated with his forces to White Plains; John Corbin was shot
1063                 dead at his cannon. But Margaret was there to jump into John&#8217;s position and help fire the cannon.
1064                 During the battle, her jaw and shoulder were seriously injured, and grapeshot tore off part of her
1065                 breast. Despite the Continental Army&#8217;s efforts, the fort was soon surrendered, and Corbin was
1066                 captured along with approximately 2,837 soldiers.</p>
1067               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1068                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1069                   src=""
1070                   alt="A watercolor by Thomas Davies depicting the attack on Fort Washington by the British and Hessian Brigades. Margaret Corbin was taken prisoner after fighting in the battle."
1071                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71538"
1072                   data-src="">
1073                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">A watercolor by Thomas Davies depicting the attack
1074                   on Fort Washington by the British and Hessian Brigades. Margaret Corbin was taken prisoner after
1075                   fighting in the battle. <span class="caption-credit">Alamy Stock Photo</span></figcaption>
1076               </figure>
1077               <p class="item-body-text-graf">The British may have been unsure what to do with an injured woman, because
1078                 she was released fairly soon after the battle. The ordeal was one of many traumas in her life: According
1079                 to records collected by the <a
1080                   href="">historian</a> Stella Bailey,
1081                 Margaret was only five years old when her father was killed in a conflict with Native Americans in
1082                 Pennsylvania, where they lived. Her mother was kidnapped, and Margaret and her brother moved in with an
1083                 uncle. They never saw her again.</p>
1084               <p class="item-body-text-graf">After Corbin&#8217;s return, she joined the Corps of Invalids, a group of
1085                 wounded soldiers that were still able to contribute to the war effort. They were stationed at West
1086                 Point, New York, where Corbin became known as a cantankerous woman who had a tough time making a home
1087                 for herself in the neighboring village of Highland Falls. She moved between various local families who
1088                 tried to care for her. Having witnessed her husband&#8217;s death and sustaining wounds, she was
1089                 probably in constant mental and physical pain.</p>
1090               <hr class="baseline-grid-hr">
1091               <p class="item-body-text-graf section-break-graf"><span class="section-start-text">When Margaret Corbin
1092                   died in </span>1800, she was buried in a pauper&#8217;s cemetery in Highland Falls, just three miles
1093                 from West Point. But in 1926, the national society of women known as the Daughters of the American
1094                 Revolution saw to it that Corbin would earn her vaunted cemetery plot. The society, which is made up of
1095                 women who can trace their lineage to participants in the American Revolution, was celebrating the
1096                 sesquicentennial of American independence, and saw Corbin as the consummate symbol of both their
1097                 organization and the Revolution. A year-long effort convinced the U.S. Military Academy to help them
1098                 exhume and transport the remains to the prestigious cemetery, to be reburied with a military funeral.
1099               </p>
1100               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1101                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1102                   src=""
1103                   alt="This sign directs visitors to the United States Military Academy to the purported site of Margaret Corbin's grave."
1104                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71506"
1105                   data-src="">
1106                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">This sign directs visitors to the United States
1107                   Military Academy to the purported site of Margaret Corbin&#8217;s grave. <a class="caption-credit"
1108                     rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
1109                     href="">Ahodges7 /
1110                     CC BY-SA 3.0</a></figcaption>
1111               </figure>
1112               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Exhumation was not a simple task: By the time the DAR began their campaign
1113                 to move Corbin, the location of her exact burial was known only by word-of-mouth, passed down through
1114                 generations. In collaboration with West Point, the Daughters found the great-grandson of the man who
1115                 supposedly dug Corbin&#8217;s original grave, a steamboat captain by the name of Farout. Her burial site
1116                 was apparently marked by the stump of a cedar tree; during the exhumation process, the gravedigger
1117                 accidentally drove the shovel through the skull. Still, the Army Surgeon reported injuries to the
1118                 skeleton that were consistent with grapeshot. The remains were given a new, flag-draped casket and
1119                 delivered to West Point by horse-drawn hearse.</p>
1120               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Every year since then, the Daughters have gathered at Corbin&#8217;s
1121                 monument for Margaret Corbin Day. On the first Tuesday of May, the Daughters fill the chapel, share
1122                 Corbin&#8217;s story, sing hymns, and stand at the grave while soldiers perform a 21-gun salute.</p>
1123               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1124                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1125                   src=""
1126                   alt="A horse-drawn hearse carried a flag-draped casket that was said to contain Corbin&#8217;s remains."
1127                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71497"
1128                   data-src="">
1129                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">A horse-drawn hearse carried a flag-draped casket
1130                   that was said to contain Corbin&#8217;s remains. <span class="caption-credit">Daughters of the
1131                     American Revolution</span></figcaption>
1132               </figure>
1133               <p class="item-body-text-graf">After the U.S. Military Academy unintentionally reopened the grave beneath
1134                 Corbin&#8217;s monument in 2016, they decided to conduct an emergency forensic archaeological
1135                 excavation. They enlisted the help of Elizabeth A. DiGangi, an anthropology professor at Binghamton
1136                 University, and Michael K. Trimble, an archaeologist for the Army Corps of Engineers. Almost
1137                 immediately, the pair noticed that the size of the bones didn&#8217;t match Corbin&#8217;s description.
1138                 Corbin was reportedly a stout woman. &#8220;One of the first bones I saw when I was on site was the
1139                 humerus, or upper arm bone,&#8221; DiGangi says. &#8220;It was very large, which is not what you would
1140                 expect with an arm bone from a woman.&#8221;</p>
1141               <p class="item-body-text-graf">DiGangi took the remains to her laboratory at Binghamton University to do a
1142                 full analysis. Some worried that other remains were mixed up with Corbin&#8217;s. (In the past, West
1143                 Point has discovered unknown remains when they&#8217;ve broken new ground for construction.) Ultimately,
1144                 DiGangi&#8217;s analysis revealed something even more shocking: The remains in Corbin&#8217;s grave
1145                 actually came from an adult male. DiGangi determined that it was a large man, who could&#8217;ve been
1146                 anywhere from five-foot-seven to six and a half feet tall. The remains of Margaret Corbin were not in
1147                 Margaret Corbin&#8217;s grave.</p>
1148               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1149                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1150                   src=""
1151                   alt="In 1926, the remains from Highland Park were reinterred at West Point, and sat at the foot of the Margaret Corbin monument until 2016."
1152                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71024"
1153                   data-src="">
1154                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">In 1926, the remains from Highland Park were
1155                   reinterred at West Point, and sat at the foot of the Margaret Corbin monument until 2016. <span
1156                     class="caption-credit">Daughters of the American Revolution</span></figcaption>
1157               </figure>
1158               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Once the archaeological excavation teams <a
1159                   href="">completed</a>
1160                 their reports, the Army National Cemeteries contacted the Daughters of the American Revolution. They
1161                 wanted a meeting at DAR headquarters in Washington, DC.</p>
1162               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Jennifer Minus, the head of the New York chapter of the DAR, was among
1163                 those present at the meeting. Minus, a graduate of West Point and a former member of the Corbin Forum, a
1164                 club for cadet women, knew her Corbin history better than most. She asked how it could&#8217;ve been a
1165                 man in the grave, if in 1926 the Army surgeon said that grapeshot injuries were present. In her report,
1166                 DiGangi explains that what the surgeon considered a grapeshot injury was, in fact, post-mortem damage to
1167                 the remains.</p>
1168               <p class="item-body-text-graf">So where is Margaret Corbin? Since the attempted reburial of Corbin&#8217;s
1169                 remains, in 1926, her original gravesite in Highland Falls has been lost to time. Sometime in the 1970s,
1170                 the town dropped a sewage plant where many believe it was once located. Yet Minus remains optimistic
1171                 that Corbin&#8217;s remains will one day be found.</p>
1172               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1173                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1174                   src=""
1175                   alt="At left, another monument that pays homage to Margaret Corbin, near the site where she took over her husband's cannon; at right, a view of her monument at West Point."
1176                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71513"
1177                   data-src="">
1178                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">At left, another monument that pays homage to
1179                   Margaret Corbin, near the site where she took over her husband&#8217;s cannon; at right, a view of her
1180                   monument at West Point. <a class="caption-credit" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
1181                     href="">Beyond
1182                     My Ken / CC BY-SA 4.0; Ahodges7 / CC BY-SA 3.0</a></figcaption>
1183               </figure>
1184               <p class="item-body-text-graf">As upsetting as it was to learn that her remains were missing, the
1185                 Daughters also tried to see the discovery as an opportunity to spread Margaret&#8217;s story. It&#8217;s
1186                 as though they picked up right where the 1926 DAR members left off. Minus formed an unofficial Margaret
1187                 Corbin Task Force, drawing on the strengths of DAR members: One was a genealogist, and another was a
1188                 Navy veteran who had worked on locating the remains of American soldiers overseas.</p>
1189               <hr class="baseline-grid-hr">
1190               <p class="item-body-text-graf section-break-graf"><span class="section-start-text">On April 30, 2019,
1191                   Minus </span>combed the woods of Highland Falls, looking for the original gravesite. They tried to
1192                 match up the old photographs with newer ones, but this proved difficult, because most of the trees in
1193                 the photographs were saplings at the time. They looked for flat areas that would have been suitable for
1194                 burials: It was common at the time to bury people in elevated areas, to avoid rising water tables that
1195                 could push the caskets back up to the surface.</p>
1196               <p class="item-body-text-graf">The next day, the Daughters gathered again around Corbin&#8217;s monument,
1197                 dressed in large hats and sashes. The ground looked as though it had never been disturbed. A casual
1198                 viewer would&#8217;ve never known that Corbin wasn&#8217;t under their feet.</p>
1199               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1200                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1201                   src=""
1202                   alt="In 2018, the Margaret Corbin monument was rededicated with a wreath laying.
1203 " width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71504"
1204                   data-src="">
1205                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">In 2018, the Margaret Corbin monument was
1206                   rededicated with a wreath laying.
1207                   <span class="caption-credit">Daughters of the American Revolution</span></figcaption>
1208               </figure>
1209               <p class="item-body-text-graf">It was an important day for the Daughters, but especially for Minus, who
1210                 joined the DAR in part because of Corbin. Once, before she graduated from West Point, she told her
1211                 grandparents about a lunch honoring Margaret Corbin. Her grandmother told her that her heritage made her
1212                 eligible to join the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a few years later, when she returned from
1213                 a post in Germany, her grandma prepared the necessary papers.</p>
1214               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Minus is hopeful that they&#8217;ll find Corbin near the river, not far
1215                 from the grave that the Daughters dug up in 1926. &#8220;When they started digging, they found bones.
1216                 So, they didn&#8217;t make, like, 10 different holes over a field. They got it on their first attempt
1217                 and found bones. What I&#8217;m hoping is that they just had to do a 180, and she would&#8217;ve been
1218                 five feet over.&#8221;</p>
1219               <p class="item-body-text-graf">The man they found in Corbin&#8217;s grave has since come back to the West
1220                 Point cemetery, to be reinterred with the other unidentified remains found in the area. No one yet knows
1221                 who the man could be. Some theorize it&#8217;s Corbin&#8217;s second husband&#8212;but there&#8217;s no
1222                 proof that she remarried. Others believe it was a Native American. It&#8217;s possible that the unknown
1223                 man might be dug up a third time, should the proper clues demand his participation. Corbin&#8217;s
1224                 original gravesite did not turn up <a
1225                   href="">in 2018</a>, but the search
1226                 continues.</p>
1227               <p class="item-body-text-graf">On Corbin Day in 2019, after the 21-gun salute, the Daughters hold another
1228                 luncheon. This time, the Margaret Corbin Task Force has something special on display: a machine that
1229                 looks like a souped-up lawn mower. Many Daughters file into the room and ask what it is. &#8220;Just
1230                 wait,&#8221; Minus answers. Then Lieutenant Colonel Mindy Kimball, an environmental science professor at
1231                 West Point, holds a demonstration. It&#8217;s a ground-penetrating radar machine, which shoots
1232                 electromagnetic waves into the ground and sends information back up to the antennae, to identify
1233                 underground disturbances that could reveal human remains.</p>
1234               <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
1235                   class="article-image with-structured-caption  lazy"
1236                   src=""
1237                   alt="The monument to Margaret Corbin is West Point&#8217;s only monument to a woman veteran."
1238                   width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71512"
1239                   data-src="">
1240                 <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">The monument to Margaret Corbin is West
1241                   Point&#8217;s only monument to a woman veteran. <a class="caption-credit" rel="nofollow"
1242                     target="_blank"
1243                     href=",_West_Point,_NY.JPG">Ahodges7
1244                     / CC BY-SA 3.0</a></figcaption>
1245               </figure>
1246               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Whether or not Corbin is ever located, just sharing her story helps to
1247                 immortalize her. Minus is fascinated by the many identities that Corbin came to inhabit.
1248                 &#8220;She&#8217;s an army spouse, and then an army widow, and then she was a soldier, and then she was
1249                 a wounded soldier, and then she was a prisoner of war, and then she was a veteran,&#8221; she says.
1250                 Corbin was also the first woman to receive a military pension from the government, and is mentioned by
1251                 name in the Congressional Record. &#8220;I really think of her as that building block for women in the
1252                 military.&#8221;</p>
1253               <p class="item-body-text-graf">Stella Bailey, the town historian of Highland Falls, has been researching
1254                 Margaret Corbin for decades. She&#8217;s pored over old maps, trying to pinpoint exactly where Corbin
1255                 might have been buried in 1800. She even gets emails from people who think they might be related to
1256                 Corbin.</p>
1257               <p class="item-body-text-graf item-body-last">Sitting in her office, overlooking Main Street in Highland
1258                 Falls, Bailey sighs. &#8220;We know she was real. West Point&#8217;s records acknowledge her
1259                 existence,&#8221; she says. But she can list discrepancies in Corbin&#8217;s story. Some say her husband
1260                 was shot in the head; some say he was shot in the heart. Others say Corbin dressed as a man to fight in
1261                 the war. Sometimes she wonders whether she will ever find answers. Perhaps these conflicting stories are
1262                 just a part of Corbin&#8217;s mystique. &#8220;The more I research, the less I know,&#8221; Bailey says.
1263               </p>
1264               <p class="item-body-text-graf"><em>You can <a
1265                     href=""
1266                     target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">join the conversation </a>about this and other stories in
1267                   the Atlas Obscura Community Forums.</em></p>
1268             </section>
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1365                           The supernatural has surrounded the guitar virtuoso for decades.
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1394                           Toward a new definition of eternity.
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1399                             <span class="Card__dateline --article-byline-date">April 19, 2019</span>
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1421                           <span>In Search of Cemeteries Alive With Beauty, Art, and History</span>
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1424                           These resting places celebrate life.
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1428                             <span class="Card__byline --article-byline">Anika Burgess</span>
1429                             <span class="Card__dateline --article-byline-date">October 31, 2018</span>
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1451                           <span>The Bloody Past of Koreaโ€™s โ€˜Honeymoon Islandโ€™</span>
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1454                           Reckoning with a dark legacy at a time of great change.
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1459                             <span class="Card__dateline --article-byline-date">May 11, 2018</span>
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1478                           <span>How to Dig a Grave</span>
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1504                           <span>An Ancient Cemetery, Resurrected</span>
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1513                           <span>1:51</span></div>
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1528                         <div class="Card__hat">Video</div>
1529                         <h3 class="Card__heading --content-card-v2-title">
1530                           <span>There&#39;s an Abandoned Futuristic Fort in Portland, Maine</span>
1531                         </h3>
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1539                           <span>3:32</span></div>
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1554                         <div class="Card__hat">Video</div>
1555                         <h3 class="Card__heading --content-card-v2-title">
1556                           <span>An Introduction to America&#39;s Most Metal Cemetery</span>
1557                         </h3>
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1565                           <span>6:04</span></div>
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1580                         <div class="Card__hat">Video&nbsp;&bull; AO Docs</div>
1581                         <h3 class="Card__heading --content-card-v2-title">
1582                           <span>Hawaiสปiโ€™s Native-Language Newspaper Archive</span>
1583                         </h3>
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1586                             <svg version="1.1" xmlns=""
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1591                           <span>3:35</span></div>
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1605                       <figure class="Card__figure js-Card__figure -- content-card-figure js-content-card-figure">
1606                         <img
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1610                       <div class="Card__content-wrap --content-card-text">
1611                         <div class="Card__hat">Video&nbsp;&bull; AO Docs</div>
1612                         <h3 class="Card__heading --content-card-v2-title">
1613                           <span>&#39;Discovering&#39; Mexico&#39;s Monarch Butterfly Migration</span>
1614                         </h3>
1615                         <div class="Card__subheading VideoCard__subheading --content-card-footer"><i
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1621                           </i>
1622                           <span>6:46</span></div>
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2345       </symbol>
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2388           d="M12 2c-3.86 0-7 3.14-7 7 0 5.25 7 13 7 13s7-7.75 7-13c0-3.86-3.14-7-7-7v0zM16 10h-3v3h-2v-3h-3v-2h3v-3h2v3h3v2z">
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2408       </symbol>
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2422           d="M12 8c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4v0zM20.94 11c-0.46-4.17-3.77-7.48-7.94-7.94v-2.060h-2v2.060c-4.17 0.46-7.48 3.77-7.94 7.94h-2.060v2h2.060c0.46 4.17 3.77 7.48 7.94 7.94v2.060h2v-2.060c4.17-0.46 7.48-3.77 7.94-7.94h2.060v-2h-2.060zM12 19c-3.87 0-7-3.13-7-7s3.13-7 7-7c3.87 0 7 3.13 7 7s-3.13 7-7 7v0z">
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2486           d="M21 16v-2l-8-5v-5.5c0-0.83-0.67-1.5-1.5-1.5s-1.5 0.67-1.5 1.5v5.5l-8 5v2l8-2.5v5.5l-2 1.5v1.5l3.5-1 3.5 1v-1.5l-2-1.5v-5.5l8 2.5z">
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